Friday, December 24, 2010


Sometimes in my life I wonder, what I used to be and what I have become now. People always change and I realize that is a normal process with time, but what happened with me is just completely opposite of normal. I wonder when will I start my normal life again, just so tired, just so full with everything, I don’t have words for anything, but there’s one thing which just keeps me going in even these toughest days of my life and that is my faith, my faith on my god. I know somewhere he’s watching his lil daughter fighting and losing her all again and again, and sometimes holding me when I really want it to be. No one’s life is easy, we all have to earn each moment we spend in this lifetime, whether its sorrow or happiness.
Just keeping my faith all over him, coz somewhere deep in my heart I know, he cant let his lil daughter suffer so much, no father would ever see or tolerate that. After all, faith is the most important thing in one’s soul….which keeps us going in the toughest circumstances...faith sees hope…without faith there’ll be no hope…and without hope there’s no meaning of living.
So in the end I m just hoping that one day I’ll see a clear blue sky and would have learnt from what I m suffering at present. Just waiting for that day, where sunshine, rain, blossom, dew drops, future, dreamz, fascination will have a meaning in my life…..
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
If You Believe......

Hey guys,
I close my eyes,
And even when I'm sleeping
I'm alright,
'Cause You are in my life.
Once upon a time,
I only imagined this
And now You're mine.
Wished for you so hard.
Prayed that You'd find me;
Baby you're here today,
Here to remind me:
If you believe that dreams come true,
There's One that's waiting there for you.
'Cause I believed when I saw You
That when you want something enough,
That it can't escape Your love.
There is nothing in the world that cannot be...
If you believe, oh oh...
Everybody said
That I was a fool to think
That we could be; (Everybody said that...)
That I couldn't get my heart out of my head
But they just didn't see;
No, they just could not have
The feeling that You give,
The places that You go...
If you believe that dreams come true,
There's One that's waiting there for you.
'Cause I believed when I saw You
That when you want something enough,
That it can't escape Your love.
There is nothing in the world that cannot be...
If you believe.
Never wished for material things;
Never needed wind in my wings.
I never wished for anything but You...oh!
I can't explain it,
Someone just told me,
"Go where your heart is,
You'll never be lonely."
If you believe that dreams come true,
There's One that's waiting there for you.
'Cause I believed when I saw You
That (when you believe) when You want Someone enough,
Then they can't escape Your love.
There is nothing in the world that cannot be,
If you believe.
Believe, believe, believe, ooh...
Monday, May 24, 2010

Hey guys,
In the first 21 years of life, there can be many times wen u mite have learnt lessons, or sumtymes learnt those lessons the hard way too...Many a times, thr would have been instances when u mite have felt hurt and heart broken, would have faced betrayal by friends or sumtimes u mite have felt that u have been taken for granted or your peers r trying to take your advantage.. In this tender young age, these r mostly the big issues that we come across, and these generally make us understand the reality of our so-called LIFE.
Still,however,no matter how tattered and bruised we are, we always try to pick ourselves up,and then carry on with the onward journey, the title-"phoenix rising from the ashes" suits to each 1 of us in that way only... according to our own experiences n hardships of life that we have seen... As it is generally like, just when u think that u have seen it all..and thn nothing worse can happen,it happens; only to show that learning is never really over. I found out that learning never ceases..life has a lesson to teach every time...and this cyclic process of learning will never end..So no matter how much u try to see the exceptions in bad,to smell fragrance in artificial flowers...or see the lining on every cloud...the fact remains the same....no-one is your mirror image..they are different....it is difficult to find people who are true to you just like obtaining oil by rubbing sand together...often people befriend you to take advantage of you..others who shelter you during your crisis times are like your only savior and friends.....Those r the true loved ones, who will stay wid u till the end... N with the support of your best frnds and loved ones or any imp. people in your life...you'll surely be able to cum alive....as good as ever, n wud even be more courageous to fight back wid any situation in life tht u'll encounter.... just like the bird PHOENIX. N moreover, the lesson then learnt wud indeed be a one - Very Well Learnt. So... wid this thought....God Bless u all....Keep Writing...n keep posting.. Cheers!
N for my dearest frnd turned author Neha...It really was a very beautiful n simple post....but a thought provoking one....Gudd work Sweetie! Waiting for the next one....With love :: Hasija!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Phoenix- Rise from the ashes

Life is just soo full of twists and turns, that whtever u predict becomes totally opposite.Maybe thats the beauty of life...thts its totally unpredictable...this post isn't about any philosophical lecture about life and all....its all about how strong we are....
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Never deprive someone of hope, it might be all they have..

My mom is a very important person of my life, wenever i am actually confused about any decision of mine, i always think of her and take my decision, she has portrayed herself in such a perfect manner thats its completely impossible to detect a flaw in anything.